Why Exactly is Artificial Grass Better for the Environment?
Artificial grass requires no watering and maintenance isn’t season-dependent. Reducing water usage is a major aspect of improving environmental sustainability and it’s difficult to make a strong argument for continuing to use excess water to keep a garden lawn green during Summer, when there exists a viable alternative that makes no such demand on the water supply.
As climate change becomes an ever-increasing issue, the reliability of the water supply may become disrupted, leading to a greater need to conserve water where we can. For this reason, many landscapers keep to their environmentally-friendly commitment by recommending artificial grass.
Reason 2: Less Chemical Use & Single-Use Plastics
The use of various chemicals for maintaining grass to a high standard has always posed a risk to the At first glance, it’s counterintuitive to think that replacing natural turf with artificial grass would be the more environmentally friendly option for landscapers to choose. There are strong arguments that make this point, however, and it’s common for people to ask why exactly is artificial grass better for the environment?
It’s important to stress that this argument isn’t necessarily relevant to the grass we see covering our vast countryside. Rather, this extends only as far as a private garden environment, where aesthetics, controlling growth and coexisting with other garden features is considered most important.
Reason 1: Less Water Use
It’s often said that artificial grass is less ‘natural’ than turf. Throughout the seasons of the year, and especially during weather extremes, nature itself allows natural grass to change colour, sometimes inconsistently throughout a garden space. However, in the name of maintaining a particular aesthetic, we introduce water and often various chemicals, rather than allowing the grass to change naturally. It’s this point that suggests the ‘natural’ argument of artificial grass isn’t a strong one, as with natural grass, we’re intervening in nature regardless.
environment and the natural habitats of animals. It’s worth noting though that weed killers and fertilisers have certainly come a long way in the last few decades as environmental impact has become a more prominent topic.
Artificial grass however goes one step further by implementing chemical-free material technologies that effectively keep most weeds at bay. This gives us the opportunity to use weed killers in a more specific manner that can be controlled and therefore are arguably less damaging for nearby habitats.
An issue that skirts alongside chemical use is that of single-use plastics, another serious concern for the environment.
Chemicals for use in a landscaped environment are often harmful to life when mishandled, which quite justifiably shifts the priority of the packaging towards safety, and away from being environmentally friendly. This creates an issue in that it’s difficult to make improvements to the packaging without introducing unsafe handling situations or creating packaging that may not be safe for long-term storage or handling in real-life conditions.
Reason 3: Lower Energy Use in Maintenance
Artificial grass will never need to be cut and so machinery such as lawnmowers aren’t needed and won’t be drawing electrical power. This is a major source of savings when considering carbon footprint but also in the context of the price of energy increase that we’re experiencing in 2022.
On an individual garden level, the saving is small. However, the more garden spaces that make use of artificial grass, the greater the saving becomes.
Reason 4: Limited Erosion & Runoff
Sloped areas are notoriously difficult to landscape and maintain. In particular, sloped areas covered with natural grass call upon fertilizers and other chemicals in their maintenance and alongside rain and irrigation, the associated runoff poses a serious threat to natural habitats.
Preservation of wildlife is an important part of environmental responsibility and as we change the spaces we live in, we have to consider the impact this has on the animals we share the environment with.